Where to Place Your Modifiers


—Bite-sized advice for better business writing—

August 21, 2019

Where to Place Your Modifiers

“One should aim not at being possible to understand, but at being impossible to misunderstand.”

— Quintilian

Hockey fans use the term “dangler” to refer to a player who fools a defender with exceptionally adept puck handling. With a series of moves and puck control, a dangler causes opponents to lurch for the puck as if it’s dangling on a string, just out of reach.

Sentences can have a dangling effect, too, when modifiers veer too far from the words they describe. Unlike in hockey, this type of dangler won't get any cheers.

To ensure your readers won't lurch for meaning, avoid dangling and misplaced modifiers.

Where to Place Your Modifiers

How can I fix a dangling modifier?

Dangling modifiers are descriptive words or phrases that do not connect with any other word in the sentence. You can correct a dangling modifier by adding the word it modifies.

Don't Say: While scanning the contract, the phone rang. (It sounds as if the phone was scanning the contract.)

Do Say: While scanning the contract, I heard the phone ring.

How can I fix a misplaced modifier?

A misplaced modifier connects to the wrong word in the sentence. The result is an unclear description. To fix a misplaced modifier, place the modifier closer to whatever it is describing.

Don't Say: The bureau’s website has nearly been under construction for two days. (Does this mean the website is close to being under construction, or that it has been under construction for almost two days?)

Do Say: The bureau’s website has been under construction for nearly two days.

Don't Say: My colleague sent an email to everyone that was outdated. (Are the people outdated, or is the email outdated?)

Do Say: My colleague sent an outdated email to everyone.

Pay close attention to your limiting modifiers. These modifiers can easily muddle the meaning of a sentence if they are not placed next to the right words. Some examples include only, almost, barely, even, hardly, just, nearly, simply. Keep limiting modifiers close to the words they describe.


Play the Editor!

Copy these sentences into a document and identify and fix any dangling or misplaced modifiers. (Scroll to the bottom to see our recommendations.)

  1. Please review the pamphlet describing my services and equipment enclosed. 
  2. Having committed to meeting with us, our regular attendance would be appreciated. 
  3. The meeting barely began 20 minutes ago. 
  4. Your personnel file just shows five sick days taken over three years. 
  5. Having put out the fire, the residents were told there was no immediate danger.
  6. While watching the Wall Street reports, the stock indicators began to spike.

Get More Support

Check out the Write for Business Guide for more help with modifiers.


Editor's Recommendations

  1. Please review the enclosed pamphlet describing my services and equipment. 
  2. Having committed to meeting with us, Robert and Miriam would appreciate our regular attendance. 
  3. The meeting began barely 20 minutes ago. 
  4. Your personnel file shows just five sick days taken over three years. 
  5. Having put out the fire, the firefighter told residents there was no immediate danger.
  6. While watching the Wall Street reports, the broker rose to attention when the stock indicators began to spike.